In 2018, AEF awarded an Innovations in Education Grant to provide professional development to APS staff about the complex issues raised by race and racism and their impact on student engagement and achievement. We were proud to partner with the District and METCO program to offer this important training to members of the APS community.

Participation in this professional development has continued since and this past spring and summer saw 28 additional members of the APS community participate, despite having to change to a virtual setting.

The course, Anti-Racist School Practices to Support the Success of All Students, offered by instructors from the Initiative for Developing Equity and Achievement for Students (IDEAs) program, provided educators with an understanding of racial identity and the importance of building student-teacher relationships. It also enabled educators to increase their culturally responsive skills in other areas, such as gender identity and socio-economic status.

To date, almost 60 educators and other members of the Arlington Public Schools community have taken the IDEAs course. Training of more staff is scheduled for this fall thanks to federal funding.

AEF is proud to see the impact of our work continue.

“The generosity of the Arlington Education Foundation and its donors laid the basis for supporting this important district initiative. Thank you for believing in this effort that impacts the education of all APS students.”

~Margaret Credle Thomas, APS METCO Director